Kindergarten Enrolments for 2020

We are now taking enrolments for Kindergarten 2020. If your child is turning 5 years of age before 31 July 2020 (born between 1/8/2014 and 31/7/2015) they are able to start school next year.
Enrolment forms are available at the school office between 8:30am and 3:00pm.
You can also download an enrolment form by clicking here: Enrolment Form.
For more information, view the Kindergarten Transition Flyer.
All new Kindergarten students will be invited to attend 2 short sessions at school in the first week of school. This will be to conduct the Best Start Kindergarten Assessment for Literacy and Numeracy skills which is part of the mandatory requirements for all Kindergarten students. The assessment is for teachers to be able to plan and prepare for all students and know what they have come to school with.
Please note: It is recommended that students do not receive any preparation for this. Each assessment will take about 20 minutes and parents are asked to wait for their child until they have completed this. Please refer to your child’s confirmation slip about the dates and times they will be required to attend. If you do not have this information please contact the school office and a new slip will be sent out to you.
All Kindergarten students will start regular schooling from 9am – 3pm in Week 2 next year. The official start date for Kindergarten students is Monday 3rd February 2020.
Please note that there is no supervision during normal school hours for Kindergarten students prior to their official start date.